Friday, November 16, 2007

How To Prevent A Guy From Cheating

Guys cheat. It’s part of what they do. “But why,” you ask. “Am I not good enough? What more can I do to make him happy?” Nothing, you’ve done everything you can and probably more. It has nothing to do with you. Deep down every guy wants to fuck every beautiful girl in the world, and some of the ugly ones too - if they have a nice rack. It’s in their nature. Like it or not, humans are animals. Animals that paint and write songs and all too often wear horribly out dated clothing, but animals still the same. Just like women are prone to biological clocks going off, guys have the need to impregnate every female they come in contact with to be sure his genes are passed down for another generation. It’s as natural as a domesticated cat sharpening their claws on the couch to be better prepared for the dinner it never has to catch since it now has human slaves to provide it’s every need. It’s a natural instinct, and you’re never going to be able to keep a guy from wanting to have sex with other women.

Now, a more evolved guy will be aware of these needs and understand that, while they are natural, it doesn’t mean they need to be acted on. If you’re in a relationship with someone a bit lower on the evolutionary scale, being aware of this tendency will allow you to help compensate for his more basic urges. Just like teaching a dog not to piddle on the rug, you’ll never keep him from thinking about it, but there are ways to prevent him from actually acting on his instincts.

The way to a man’s heart is through his stomach. One of the most sure fire ways to keep a guy from cheating is to keep him well fed. “Because if he’s well feed and happy, he’ll be less likely to wander?” No, that would be silly. You’re thinking of stray dogs, guys aren’t that complicated. What I mean is fatten him up a bit. Actually, a lot. The goal is to get him fat enough that other girls wouldn’t want to fuck him. When he starts sweating butter is a good sign you can lay off the fattening foods. Once other women start wrinkling up their noses when he walks by, you can be secure that he is yours, and only yours. The downside is, you might not want to take him to bed either. Or if you do, be sure you get on top. There is also a possibility that once he gets so fat he can’t get laid for free, he’ll start spending all your money on whores.

The way to a man’s heart is through his stomach. Think lower. As mentioned, a well-feed dog is less likely to stray. Guys are dogs who need to be feed another way. I’m not saying it’s easy to keep it interesting for both of you in the bedroom. But would you rather put on the sexy French maid outfit every now and then to keep him happy, or worry about him screwing the actual maid while you’re out? Even more disturbing if your maid happens to be a male immigrant named Manuel.

Mark your territory. This doesn’t work for guys when it comes to girls, mostly because other guys don’t care what the girl was doing an hour before, as long as she’s hot, but leave your mark. Before he walks out the door, heading towards the bar, latch on to his neck like a vacuum cleaner and give him a hickey. Big hickies are a great way to keep other women from being interested. Wedding rings can be taken off; the same can’t be said for hickies. There might be some temptation to just brand your name on him, but I think you’ll find most guys far more interested in making out than having burning iron applied to their skin.

Tell the truth about your sister or best friend. Embarrassing secrets are a good way to keep a guy from being interested in the attractive females he meets through you. Years ago, I met my girlfriend’s sister. The sister and I hit it off immediately and had a lot in common. On the drive home, I mentioned, “Your sister’s really cool and pretty.” My girlfriend shrugged and said, “Yeah, but she gets around. She got VD from her last boyfriend. You should’ve seen it, she swelled up and it looked like she had a football between her legs. And you’d never believe how much puss there was.” All of a sudden her sister wasn’t pretty anymore.

Keep him entertained. Instead of complaining about some of his lame hobbies, encourage him. Yes, it is annoying watching him spend hours playing video games, watching sports, working on cars, or whatever pointless thing he enjoys, but think about this. All the time he wastes on his hobby is time he’s not spending trying to cheat. Kind of makes you want to buy him a new game, doesn’t it?

Buy him porn. Don’t complain about it, it serves a purpose. It gives him a means of cheating on you in his mind, which he’s going to do anyways, and less likely to actually find a real life alternative. Going out of town for a few days and you want to make sure he doesn’t stray? Leave him a few pornos and some hand lotion. Not only does he now think he has the coolest girlfriend in the world; it also accomplishes some thing else. By now you should know that two things happen after a guy cums. He gets less stupid about getting laid when the need is filled, and he gets lazy. Almost all guys need sleep after cumming, something women always complain about. Use our weaknesses for your benefit. Leave him alone with the porn and he’s going to masturbate, then fall asleep. It may not be what you want him to do, but it helps keep him out of trouble when you’re not there. One word of warning, don’t blame me if you’re dating one of the few guys with enough energy to get up and look for more after blowing his load.

Reward him when he does something that makes you happy. Guys are fairly oblivious when it comes to making women happy, you have to condition them subtly to let them know not only when they do something wrong (we always know when we’ve pissed off our girlfriends – we just usually don’t know why) as well as when they do something wrong. Guys would be far more opt to go watch chick flicks if we’re guaranteed a hand job somewhere in there.

So there you have it. Understand a guy’s needs (all two of them) and you’ll be able to keep him from straying. Yes, guys suck. But what are your other options? Sleeping with women? If for some reason what you read here at The Truth About Your Boyfriend does turn you off of guys and onto women, nothing says “thank you” like nude pictures of you and your new lesbian lover.

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