Sunday, September 11, 2011

The Complete Guide To What Men Really Want

The very short simple version –

To win

To watch someone else lose

To have sex

The slightly more detailed version

To build, fix, or break something

To blow something up

To watch something blowing up (on TV, in movies)

To simulate something blowing up (I.E. video games)

To watch something go really, really fast

To watch something go really, really fast – then explode

Buy a shiny new toy

Buy a better shiny new toy

Drink a beer/alcohol

Drink a beer/alcohol with friends

See female nudity or scantily dressed females

Compete with other males

Watch other males compete against each other

(Ideally – get into a fight while watching other males compete while being cheered on by nude/scantly dressed females – even better if you can fit some explosions in there)

Catch and/or kill some form of less intelligent living creature

Gather useless information

Gather more useless information than anyone else

Be left alone

To get laid